Port of Galata
Yerleştirme Tasarımı
Tabanlıoğlu Architects
For centuries Galata was one of Istanbul’s most important ports. It was the city of Levantines, the city of adventurous traders and bankers… It was the colony for which Genoa and Venice constantly went into battle. This changed over the years, first, Galata became an industrial site and an later a storage area. It has now become a cultural intersection. This installation uncovers memories about the port at Galata and tells a story spanning several centuries.
22 Ekim 2015 – 24 Ocak 2016
Işıl Ünal, Cem Kozar, PATTUHareketli Görseller
Hürcan Emre Yılmazer
Ses Tasarımı
Ateş Erkoç
Mine Erkaya, Esin Gündüz, Erdal Akkaş
Projeye ses veren herkese teşekkürler!
Evliya Çelebi / Burç Demir
Miss Pardoe / Colette Carse
Théophile Gautier / Fabrice Gruson
Christian Andersen / Gregers Tang Thomsen
Edmondo De Amicis / Riccardo Cespi
İlhan Berk / Ertuğrul Güney