Exhibition design and graphic design
Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat
700 m2
Bruno Vandermeulen, Danny Veys
The exhibition, “Meanwhile in the Mountains: Sagalassos”, contains many and divergent historical objects: from mammoth bones from the Burdur region proving that they lived in prehistorical Anatolia, to the massive statues of the Roman emperors Marcus Aurelius and Hadrian. Objects like the terracotta figurines of gods, goddesses and heroes reflecting belief rituals, a statuette of Alexander the Great, stone tools, decorative items, cooking and food vessels from Sagalassos and the region of Pisidia from different periods, shed a light on the past and the daily and social life of the residents of ancient Sagalassos and these can be viewed in chronological and thematic sections covering three floors at the Yapı Kredi Cultural Centre.
27 November 2019 – 28 May 2020
Jeroen Poblome
Exhibition and graphic design
Cem Kozar, Işıl Ünal, PATTU
Pelin Alkan, Ömercan Çakır, Serra Uludağ, PATTU