Exhibition design and graphic design
Istanbul Archaeological Museums
200 m2
Apart from its extraordinary scope and detail, what makes Mendel’s catalogue far superior to those of his predecessors Dumont (1868), Goold (1871), Reinach (1882) and Joubin (1893), is that it systematically used images. Almost every object was illustratedwith detailed drawings by Georges Payraud, based onphotographs taken by the Sebah & Joaillier studio.
This catalogue is one of the main instruments forming the institution’s memory; to tell its story, this exhibit follows a simple script: ten objects, their glass plate negatives and prints, the drawings based on these photographs, and their catalogue entries. An additional selection of documents and publications relating to the objects and to the photographing and cataloguing processes provide a complement of information.
This exhibit is also an occasion to pay tribute to a number of individuals whose pioneering efforts and contributions stand at the crossroads of archaeology, museology, and photography: Gustave Mendel, Pascal Sebah, Polycarpe Joaillier, Jean Sebah, Georges Payraud, Osman Hamdi Bey, Halil Edhem Bey…
Edhem Eldem
Exhibition and Graphic Design:
PATTU, Cem Kozar, Işıl Ünal